
Personal & Professional Development

Business Development Reboot – Fast Track Intensive for Sellers

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Many Sellers have not been actively prospecting or developing business and are struggling to do it now. It can be difficult and you might feel like you’re starting from Ground Zero or Day One on the job again. Don’t be intimidated. Let’s make your plan and get started. 4 Weeks, 1:1 Twice Weekly Strategic Intensive […]

Do You Need Personal, Intensive Sales Coaching?

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You’re busy making the donuts, spinning plates, putting out fires. We get that. So we understand a 4 to 6-month project might not be the best way for you to achieve increased sales results.  So we created the Strategic Intensive Sessions.  A One Day immersion with 3 months of follow-up-follow-through accountability. Choose from 3 tracks and […]
Strategic Intensives-one day coaching sessions-shawn karol sandy- selling for nonsales people-professionals
LEvel Up Selling Skills-Memphis-Workshop-Sales Pros-Competitive Advantage

Are You Having Trouble Getting Calls Back or Responses From Buyers? (Strategies For Outselling Your Competition)

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Are buyers ignoring your calls? Deleting your emails? In a sea of crowded competition, how do you stand out? Every sales person I talk to asks me the same thing, “How do I get buyers to listen to me? I can’t seem to get their attention, a call back or response.” My response is a […]