Are you waiting for someone else to take the reins of Leadership? If you need a helluva compelling reason to take charge here and today, here’s to inspiring you:
There’s a reason the former proper noun, “Google” is now listed as a “transitive verb”, according to Webster’s Dictionary.
Customers are not just vetting the specs of your product and service on the internet, they are researching YOU, the sales person (the business owner, the dealer, the rep, et cetera), to glean what value you will bring to the sales process, their buying experience and to their organization by buying and aligning with you. Buying is both relationship based and value driven.
There are two sides of the customer’s coin – the product and the process—and YOU are a huge part of the process. Furthermore, you had better own the process. It doesn’t matter if you don’t make the widgets because you sold the widgets. Owning the process that your customers/clients will experience is what builds loyal customers—faithful to purchase the product from you.
It doesn’t happen overnight, as leadership is an honor gained by respect, not demanded by title. However, you can build your credibility and gain your following by taking action—
a.) Become a consumer of learning in your profession—about your business, your product, about your clients, about their economic influences, about your competition, their competition, et cetera. Build layers of understanding. It’s not just researching a prospect. It’s a comprehensive understanding of business and the marketplace.
b.) Share and apply that knowledge with colleagues (up and down the channels), clients, coworkers and friends. Establish yourself as an expert, a passionate professional, open to conversation and understanding and a Leader.
c.) Use your leadership to create a Selling Organization . . . bring others with you on your journey to excellence. Do it for you, for your clients, your coworkers and your business. It doesn’t matter if you have the title “Director” or “Manager” on your business card – anyone can rise to Lead their organization.
I challenge you to take on new a new Leadership role – whatever your title, position or status. Don’t wait for someone else to direct your success!

Until next time, keep kickin’ butt!
PS—Please subscribe to the blog, share and add comments – I feed off your thoughts, questions and challenges too!